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Module 3 Quiz 6

Module 3 Quiz 6

Q Question 1 0 / 10 pts According to the Dr. Ray video "Why Do I attract?", Dr. Ray states that we are _____________ attracted to the ___________ as that's all we know. Question 2 0 / 10 pts According to Dr. Dyer when intending to attract what we desire into our life we should ______________________________________ Question 3 10 / 10 pts "The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred....unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." Question 4 0 / 10 pts According to Dr. Dyer, ______________________ may be difficult to recognize at first, because it's such a familiar form of your thoughts, your emotions, and your energy levels. Question 5 10 / 10 pts According to Dr. Dyer, if you believe that you are powerless to attract the right people, then you have attracted _____________________ to your experience.

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1 dynamics 2 Give forth what you want to attract